1914 Club Membership

The principles of philanthropic giving are a vital part of being a Rotarian. With this in mind, in 2015 we established the 1914 Club. Through the 1914 Club, members and organizations engage in giving from the heart, in a substantial way, above and beyond considerations of ordinary and/or expected contributions to the Rotary Club of Tampa Foundation, our local charitable giving arm.

The club was so named in acknowledgment of Rotary Club of Tampa's founding year. The goal is to grow the balance of the the Foundation, ensuring that our club will be be able to significantly support our community into perpetuity.  

Qualifying donors of  the 1914 Club are recognized at a weekly Club meeting at the time of their initial commitment and when the pledge is fulfilled. Donors are also acknowledged in the Rotary Club of Tampa Foundation annual report and in the club's annual membership roster. 

To make your commitment, download this form. If you would like more information, contact Ralph Sevelius or Dora Zuniga, RCTF 1914 Club Chairs. Thank you!

Thank you to these current Club members supporting our
foundation as members of the 1914 Club.

Platinum - $10,000+

Jack McMullen

Jack Spangler

Christopher Swink

J. Arthur Turner II


Gold - $5,000+

Larry Brown

Christine Derr

Brad Kelly

Eric M. Newman

John Osterweil

Larry Vickman

Gerard "J.J." Wehle


Silver - $2,500+

Jamie Adair

Charlene Anderson

Jimmy Clark

Linda Devine

Dean Hamric

Darren “Kip” Kipnis

Martin Shine

Doug Titus

Stella Valitutto


Bronze - $1,000+

Peter Bazzini

Scott Beene

Mike Colquhoun

Jonathan Ford

John Foster

Roderick Gaerlan

Richard Hatcher

Susan Gillen Heath

James B. Heck

Joseph Hunt

George Lackey

Winnie Marvel

Jonathan Moore

Stephen Murray

Gary Nash

Gary Niehaus

Paige Niehaus

Martin Schmidt

Ralph Sevelius

Filiberto Valero

Monnie Wertz

Maurice Youakim

Dora Zuniga


Pledged Members

Jordan Behlman

Kathleen Bogolea

Kevin Franzese

Connie Gage

John Neukamm

Hanisha Patel

Scott Rutz

Christy Vogel

Carolyn Wilkinson

Jonathan Zunz

Club Events
District Events
Support the Rotary Club of Tampa Foundation & Reineman/Diaz Scholarship Fund (designate in instructions)
Weekly Bulletin
Club Leaders