Thank you for your interest in being part
of the Rotary Club of Tampa!

Joining Rotary

Thanks for your interest in becoming a member of our club! We encourage you to connect with our membership committee. Membership co-chairs are Lance Kimball and Kevin Franzese. They are here to answer all of your questions and host you at your first club event.

If you are interested in joining the Rotary Club of Tampa, here are the steps!

  1. Attend 1-3 Club luncheons, either in person or via Zoom, as a guest to familiarize yourself with Club members, dues and membership obligations, and club activities.

  2. When you're ready to commit to active or corporate membership, find two current club members who will sponsor you. These sponsors will submit an endorsement on your behalf. Transferring Rotarians will have one sponsor and a reference from your former club.

  3. Fill out the online application, which can be accessed at the following link: Online Application

  4. Submit your completed application electronically, and remind sponsors to send their letters as well.  

  5. Our club leadership will reach out to introduce themselves and get to know you better. After this, the board of directors will review your application and endorsements.

  6. Once your application is approved, you will be invited to attend an orientation event. You'll also commit to volunteer and contribute financially to the Club during this event.

  7. Following your orientation, you will be introduced to the Club membership at one of our weekly luncheon meetings as our newest Rotarian!  


Our new members are assigned a club member as their mentor. This experienced Rotarian will support you as you meet other members, get involved in club activities, and learn more about the Rotary Club of Tampa and Rotary International. Our mentorship program is one way that we welcome our new members and help you get the most from your membership.

 New Member Activities

In a Club as large and active as ours, it is important that new members participate in activities to get engaged and help them to meet members of the Club. New members wear a red name badge until these activities are completed and then are presented with a blue badge. These activities include:

  • Attend Rotary education program hosted by club mentorship committee.
  • Attend one Club Board meeting (via Zoom) as an observer.
  • Lead the invocation, pledge, & 4 Way test at a luncheon
  • Attend another Rotary club or District 6890 meeting in our area
  • Attend a club community service project
  • Active service on a club committee
  • Engaging with Club social media accounts

Club Dues

 Our membership dues are comprehensive, and cover the majority of club activities and events. Quarterly dues are $350 and include:

  • Luncheon meetings and meals
  • Many social events, including Oyster Roast, Holiday Celebration, and Spring Gala
  • Club administrative costs
  • Rotary International and District 6890 member dues
  • Subscription to the Rotarian magazine
  • ...and more!
Club Events
District Events
Support the Rotary Club of Tampa Foundation & Reineman/Diaz Scholarship Fund (designate in instructions)
Weekly Bulletin
Club Leaders